Eight Leadership Practices To Build A Strong Team Culture

Eight leadership practices to build a strong team culture.

A divided, siloed team culture is the enemy of productivity.  Communication will be unclear, redundancies will happen, and fires that could have been prevented will blaze up.

As a leader, this can leave you feeling overwhelmed and maybe even distrust your team.  This can also cause staff to feel unsafe and disconnected from other team members.  But team cultures do not have to stay divided.  Through purposefulness and consistency, teams can shift to become more collaborative and productive.

So how do we start to shift the culture?  In today’s clip, we have Claude Jones, the Site Lead for Walmart Global Tech in Carlsbad. 

As a business consultant who works to develop collaborative and productive team cultures, I have connected with many leaders.  Watching what Claude has accomplished showed me that he is one of the greats.

In this clip, Claude shares with us his eight leadership practices to build a strong team culture.   


When I think about building a strong team culture and things that I practice in sort of my day-to-day there's eight things at that I have, one is my kind of read some of these things off here.

Provide a tactful provide tactful real-time feedback and that's really focused on a lot of times people aren't communicating and doing things. They don't know when something is being done from being done incorrectly, but being able to have that candid feedback, you know in the moment, you know where it makes sense to where people can adapt and change. That's something that we practice being very tactful with providing real-time feedback to make adjustments.

Having people be accountable for their actions. And you know, sometimes you make mistakes but being okay to step up and say, you know what I own this this is what's going on. What's the path forward and being very solution-oriented. That's another thing that we practice.

Set realistic expectations and goals and it's kind of battling not being stressed and rush and creating the right boundaries for you to be productive in the things that you need to and how do you communicate that the most effective way. Work together for the success of the team. So I'm really trying to make sure we're being team players instead of individuals is another key piece.

Make decisions based on facts and not emotions. And so really being objective in our thought process. Celebrate individual successes and team success being able to recognize people for the hard work that they do.

Make time for innovation. All work and no play tend to be a little bit boring. And so what can we do to help stimulate that creative thought? And then lastly the most important one is learning from our failures. To me a failure is a success as long as you're able to learn from it and you know, so many people feel like when they mess up it's going to be the end of the world. But if we can embrace these failures and really learn from them and move forward in a positive way that really creates an open dynamic environment allow you really to accomplish anything.

Yeah, especially if you have an environment that, continually reinforces that that last piece right where we messed up. What did we learn, let's move on and then you do it again and again and allowing that to just become of behavior and I love that because it's also so empowering right?.  It can truly empower people to know I can take risks we can learn from this and we can do better and it's going to be okay and we can just keep growing and growing and growing from that.

Looking to learn more about building a high-performing team culture? Click on the button below to sign up for a free consultation!