Using Design Thinking Techniques To Build Psychological Safety

Using the most important part of design thinking to help develop your team's psychological safety.

One of the hardest parts about creating psychological safety is not about getting it started.  It's the continued efforts needed to make it a part of the team's culture.  It’s so easy to go back to old ways of being.  Especially when a team gets stressed or overwhelmed.  

When a team goes back to old behaviors, it reinforces the notion that things will never change.  Giving them a sense of hopelessness.  

One of the most effective ways to help create that long term change is consistency and purposefulness.  

Over the past ten years I’ve seen many organizations make psychological safety a priority.  Slowly but surely bringing teams together to make impactful changes.  

In this video you will learn how to use design thinking to help create the long term change needed for psychological safety.  

So your team no longer feels as if nothing will change.  They become excited and even buy into the future you see they are capable of.