Creating Clear Communication With Your Team Culture

Creating Clear Communication With Your Team Culture

Clarity in communication within a team is something all team members and leaders want. And yet so much miscommunication happens on a consistent basis. People start wondering if the other person is even making sense. People take something someone says and ends up doing the wrong thing because they misunderstood.

It can cause people to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, annoyed, uncertain.  But it doesn't have to stay that way. You can develop a culture of clear communication with everyone. 

As a business consultant who works with organizations that develop collaborative and productive team cultures, I’ve worked with many teams to help bring clarity in the way they deepen understanding and improves productivity. 

In this video, I will share a simple format that you can use to understand where the gaps and common areas of misunderstanding in communication occur.  Supporting you and your team to gain clarity in your team culture’s communication.


Clarity and communication is something that all team members and leaders want when working within a team. And yet so much miscommunication happens all over the place. People start wondering if the other person is even making sense.

People then take what someone says does something and they're doing the wrong thing because they misunderstood. It can cause people to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, annoyed, uncertain but it doesn't have to stay that way. You can create clarity within your team develop a culture of clear communication within everyone.

My name is Michael Vargas. I'm a business consultant who works with organizations that develop collaborative and productive team cultures. And I want to share with you a simple format that you can look at communication to understand where the gaps and common areas where there's a misunderstanding in communication and what you can do to get more clarity.

And so we have four parts here. The first part of communication is what is it that people mean to say, what is it at the heart of what they're trying to say. Now, we've all experienced where what we're trying to say. We can't really find the right words. So we end up saying a watered-down version of what we mean to say. and in that juncture right there, that's where a lot of miscommunication happens. Then we have what are the words that are spoken?

But then we have what it is that we hear and we might hear maybe a different word. A lot of times we hear different inflections and tones that then caused us to think differently about what we heard. Right? So we hear the words and then the way we process it, the way, we understand it may be very different. From A to B B to C C to D.

These are the areas where there can be easy miscommunication. These are the areas where people get stuck, where people misunderstand, and then there's more fires being put out. So what do we do? Our goal is to clarify this gap between what people mean to say and what we think we heard.

Now this takes a little extra time and a little extra effort than most people do when they're communicating with others. But if you want to create a team culture of clear communication just spend a little extra time upfront. Are you saying this or are you meaning to say that? I'm not sure what you said by that, can you clarify more of what it is that you mean? Those extra steps is going to prevent so many fires from happening on the back end.

There is the culture that you can create within your team one of clarity one of clear communication. One of a group of people that get stuff done. I hope this was helpful for you. Thank you again, and if you'd like to learn more about team culture, you can visit us at lead by Thank you.

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