Team Culture

Psychological Safety Exercises - Your Best Deep Dive

Psychological Safety Exercises can have a profound effect on the people you're working with. Not too long ago I was working with a very large international tech company.

These types of experiences happen quite often during my psychological safety exercises. Someone feels safe enough to have those kinds of conversations with me. These exercises can help you get to the heart of the team issues, where people don't feel comfortable to open up and share.

Creating Unity Within A Divided Team Culture

What does a unified team culture mean?

A unified team culture that gets stuff done and creates impact is what any leader or team members want to be a part of. But divisiveness is something that can easily tear a team apart.

People stop working collaboratively with one another, they create more distance and start working in silos. They start getting angry, frustrated, upset, annoyed, confused, and it just kills the productivity of the team.

As a business consultant who works to develop collaborative and productive team cultures, I’ve worked with many different organizations to get rid of the divisiveness within a team.

In this video talk about where divisiveness often comes from and what you can do to start getting rid of it to create a collaborative and productive team culture.

Creating Clear Communication With Your Team Culture

Creating Clear Communication With Your Team Culture

Clarity in communication within a team is something all team members and leaders want. And yet so much miscommunication happens on a consistent basis. People start wondering if the other person is even making sense. People take something someone says and ends up doing the wrong thing because they misunderstood.

It can cause people to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, annoyed, uncertain. But it doesn't have to stay that way. You can develop a culture of clear communication with everyone.

As a business consultant who works with organizations that develop collaborative and productive team cultures, I’ve worked with many teams to help bring clarity in the way they deepen understanding and improves productivity.

In this video, I will share a simple format that you can use to understand where the gaps and common areas of misunderstanding in communication occur. Supporting you and your team to gain clarity in your team culture’s communication.