Difficulties Sharing Sensitive Information With A Team

Difficulties Sharing Sensitive Information With A Team

“I really do value myself on being transparent. I think as a leader is the more transparent, honest and upfront we can be with our team's the more we build that kind of trust that allows for collaboration and autonomy.”

Today’s clip is with Brendon Simon, the Learning and Development Lead for Northern California.In this video Brendon shares about navigating sensitive information with his team.


Tell us about a time for you like a time that you had a challenge regarding working with a team culture, what was one of those times?

Well, one that one that I was recently experiencing was actually had to do with, so I was dealing with sensitive information that that would have that and sharing that information would have been A breach of one of the employees.

I manage when that would have been a breach of their privacy. And I was also in an ongoing, an ongoing communication with, you know, our human resources department and lots of different things were happening at the time.

And Some of some of our team sort of caught wind of that situation and we're asking me to deliver them information. I really do value myself on being transparent. I think a leader is more transparent honest and upfront.

We can be with our team's the more we build that kind of trust that allows for collaboration and autonomy and played a hat. And in this particular situation, it became clear to me that I was going to need to communicate very carefully with the team about about this particular circumstance and to really hold a hard line and then a boundary with what was appropriate to share in that situation.