An accidental reason staff may feel disconnected

An accidental reason staff may feel disconnected

“How do you make sure that you're creating that culture where people do feel valued, they feel respected. They feel like they're part of the bigger purpose and that they can lead with their authentic selves.”

Today’s clip is with Averria Martin, the Senior Manager of Research Operations at ServiceNow in San Diego, California.  She shares with us about bringing together staff who feel disconnected from the team.


Then I think if there is one group of people that become closer for any reason primarily because of geographic proximity Is you know, you start to have your own inside jokes or you have your own thing.

Like one of my colleagues used to bring doughnuts once a week and we would joke with him on meetings about bringing doughnuts and some people from other locations, were like, where are my Donuts? I'm always, you know. and so, it's like how do you combat that and make sure that you're creating that culture where people do feel valued, they feel respected.

They feel like they're part of the bigger purpose and that they can lead with our their authentic selves and have those those special moments that just happens organically. and the, the hard part and then we'll or one of the hard parts to is and we'll start moving on.

From there is like, When we start even building those little things and people aren't included in that it almost feels like it creates even in further and further and further divide and gap.

Not not purposefully, not meant to do that, but even just like, oh, I don't know what you're talking about. And I've now said that seven times because you all have such things that are going on in your day to day. Yeah.