Leadership Gains Through The Pains Part 1

Leadership Gains Through The Pains Part 1

“It took about six months really to help regain the trust, map out a plan where people could see we were doing things for their best interest”

Today’s clip we have Claude Jones, site lead for Walmart Global Tech in Carlsbad.  He shares with us the pains and gains of building trust with his team.


Yeah, and I will say it, you know, talking through it. You know, it seems very logical going through it, man. You know, there are emotions and things that that are going on because it, you know, I had to rebuild trust with the team and rebuilding trust isn't something that it's hard. It's hard to do, especially when people feel feel betrayed.

So I'll try said it took, it took about six months really to help regain the trust map out a plan and where people could see that, you know, we Were doing things for their best interest.

So right and another lesson for people to take away is that sometimes these answers are not going to come overnight. It takes a lot of time and patience.

And that's another thing I'm hearing and want to get across to the people, these things culture, shifts, take time and patience and a commitment.

That's right. You at the end of the day, you're like we're going to figure this out one way or another and You found the way because you were consistent with it. You are patient with it and you're took your time so that you could do the best for you and the team.

Yeah. And so, what would you say would be how would you say you've grown because of that experience? Oh man, leadership is such a journey I'd say, you know, I this was probably one of the most difficult challenges that I faced in a while.

I think what I've learned is, I need to be more in touch with my team by having skip levels to help build that trust and, you know, while I was dedicating delegating things down to, you know, my other managers, you know.

So they felt like I wasn't stepping on their toes, I lost I lost touch of, you know, just those other associates. And so that that was the thing, you know, how how I have that. Balance to stay in touch and working around that.

So things didn't need to escalate to that point and I maybe could have provided some advice a lot sooner.