How Us VS Them Can Happen In A Team
“How do we take the talents, energies and inspirations of people who come in and accurately translate them to what we're about and then apply what they can add to the organization.”
Today’s clip is with Eric Chagala, founding principal of the Vista Innovation & Design Academy (VIDA). He shares with us what can create an us vs. them dynamic in a team.
So we say x but they think it means w and then we wind up as an organization, doing Y, and then what, it’s like its inflated and nobody's happy. So how do we take the talents and energies and Inspirations of people who come in and accurately translate to them what we're about and then apply what they can add to the organization and continue to move forward but without losing sight of who we are. Right? Okay got it. Got it. And what do you think are some of the problems that causes? It can cause us Versus them. It can cause people to seem like seeming favorites.