Brining Together The What, Why, And How Of A Team

Bringing Together The What, Why, And How Of A Team

“Once the what and the why for a team is really clear and articulated, the how the team accomplishes its mission is where you can really unleash a lot of good energy and their talent so they can use their creativity.”

Today’s clip with is Fred Krawchuk, the CEO of Pathfinder Consulting Group.  He shares with us how to bring a team together through what, why and how. 


Getting super clear. Why do we exist as a team organization? And and and there's you can't let a lot of deviation or people getting super creative there on their own.

It's got to be a really clear azimuth  that people are going. and and the what the mission would, you know, what do we, how we're going to be spending our time.

Yeah you're right. If it's not Crystal Clear, then you're going to lose a lot of energy and you might lose a lot of talent.

But I think like you're saying once that What and the why for a team is really clear and articulated the how the team accomplishes its Mission.

That's where you can really unleash a lot of good energy and their talent so they can use their creativity. Don't tell person how to achieve their mission, let them let them figuring figure it out.

And I've seen how that model really work has worked well.