A Good Indicator For When A Team Feels Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

Witnessing the moment that lets you know your team feels psychologically safe can warm any leader’s heart.  But knowing what to do and what to watch for can be unclear.  A lack of psychological safety can stop the best team from creating the biggest impact. 

Luckily there are signs you can look for to know when your team is feeling a sense of psychological safety. 

In today’s clip Jessica Sweeney will share how she identified when her team felt safe. 

With over 10 years of experience leading teams, I have seen when leaders create psychological safety for their teams.  It can break down walls and rebuild a stronger and more effective high performing team. The process of building psychological safety is simple, but not easy.

If you are ready to stop people from distancing themselves from each other, working in silos, and producing poorer outcomes while becoming jaded in the process, then it’s time for honest dialogue to openly share ideas and secure a culture of collaboration. Click below to book a free consult and discover how to bring psychological safety to your team culture.