Bringing Life To A Teams Vision

Team Culture

Imagine having a team culture that knows how to support and get excited about a new vision.  But bringing people to unite for a vision can be complex.  People may have different beliefs about what the vision “should” be.  If people aren’t behind a vision, it can leave them feeling frustrated because they don’t feel seen or heard.  This can cause people to start disengaging from their work and go against the team culture. 

Luckily there are ways to get teams energized about a single vision, even with different perspectives of what the main vision “should” be. 

Today’s clip we have Nick Casares, the Head of Product at Polyient.  He shares with us how he was able to bring life into a team vision.

With over 10 years of experience leading teams, I have seen when leaders create a unified vison for the team culture.  It can break down walls and rebuild a stronger and more effective high performing team. The process of developing a strong team culture is simple, but not easy.

If you are ready to stop people from distancing themselves from each other, working in silos, and producing poorer outcomes while becoming jaded in the process, then it’s time for honest dialogue to openly share ideas and secure a culture of collaboration. Click below to book a free consult and discover how to create a unified vision to your team culture.