7 Important Principles Behind Psychological Safety Exercises

What are the principles behind creating psychological safety exercises?

You can tell that the team is not feeling psychologically safe.  You see people are having difficulties working with one another.  People are staying quiet when asked questions.  When you want to brainstorm new ideas, people keep hush hush.  When you're trying to figure out a problem, the team averts their eyes.  

You are ready to try psychological safety exercises to get the team to open up, but you feel unsure where to start?

I remember how unsafe I felt when I worked with my first team.  I knew something had to change and over time I learned how psychological safety exercises could benefit a team.  Over the past ten years, I’ve worked with teams to help them feel safe when collaborating with one another.  

In this video, we are going to go over the 7 Principles Behind Psychological Safety Exercises.  To help you develop the mindset of creating psychological safety at work.   

So your teams begin to open up and share with one another.  Instead of keeping quiet, feeling disconnected, and getting less done.

So that you can feel less stressed and be known as the one who brings a team together by creating psychological safety at work.

Want to learn more about how to bring psychological safety into your teams?