How To Best Prepare For A Strategy Workshop (Using psychological safety as the main example)

How to feel prepared for a strategy workshop or meeting.  

Developing a strategy with your team can feel overwhelming.  It's difficult to know where to start and there are a lot of things to consider.  People want different things out of the strategy session.  Different personalities bump up against each other.  It’s difficult to articulate the purpose of the strategy workshop.

Strategy workshops can take a long time to develop and end up with few outcomes.  You end up needing another meeting, and another, and another.  This causes people to feel impatient, frustrated, and confused.  This leaves the leader of the meeting feeling hopeless and emotionally drained.

Strategy workshops don’t start at the actual session, they start before the workshop.  Luckily there are things you can do beforehand, to make sure your strategy workshop is successful.  

I’ve sat in many rooms where the team was working to develop a strategy.  I remember feeling confused because I didn't know what to expect nor did they have a clear agenda for the strategy workshops.  

For over ten years I’ve worked with organizations in developing strategies to create change. 

In this video, we are going to talk about how you can best prepare for a strategy workshop.  Using psychological safety as the main example.  

So that you feel confident going into your strategy session, instead of being worried about what will happen. Becoming the person that leads a team to success!