How To Run A Lean Strategy Workshop

Lead your team through a successful strategy workshop.

Running strategy workshops is a bumpy process.  There is a lot to consider and working with groups of people can be messy.  People want different things.  Some people talk a lot while others stay quiet.  It's very easy to go down unproductive rabbit holes.  

People end up feeling chaotic, unclear and that their time was wasted.  Frustrated about the idea of having to do another workshop because nothing got done.  

Even though the workshops can be difficult, when done right people come together, everyone is on the same page and people feel excited for what is about to come.    

I’ve been in some, let's say, unproductive and chaotic strategy workshops that went nowhere.  And for over ten years I’ve worked with teams to help them have collaborative, productive, and engaging workshops.  Aligning teams together to create positive change.

In this video, you will learn how to ACTUALLY run a smooth strategy workshop.  Using psychological safety as the main example.

You and your team will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of where you are going and what you are doing.  Instead of feeling frustrated, talking in circles and getting nothing done.  

The best part of all, you become the leader who knows how to get a team aligned and get things done!