The Most Important Part Of A Strategy Workshop

You want to make sure the strategy ACTUALLY gets executed.

You’ve gone through all the work of creating and delivering a strategy workshop.  But now there are still things that are unknown.  Who is doing what?  What tasks are involved?  When will these be done by?  And so on.  When a strategy doesn’t get executed you feel deflated.  Like all of the work was for nothing.  

But it doesn’t take much to make sure the plan for a strategy workshop is executed.  You just need to make sure that the momentum, responsibilities, and tasks are clear.

I’ve seen it time and time again when the team agrees to do something, and it doesn’t get done.  Working with teams for over ten years, I’ve helped them make actual changes and follow through on the work they set out to do.

In this video, you will learn what you need to do to make sure your strategy gets executed.  We will be using the example of a psychological safety strategy workshop. 

So your team follows through on the strategy and gets excited about the momentum.  And avoid the nothingness that can easily happen after a strategy workshop.  So you and your team create real change and progress as a unified team.