The Easiest Ways To Keep A Strategy Workshop Feeling Safe

You want everyone to participate in your strategy workshop.

You’ve gotten everyone together for a strategy workshop, but no one seems to be engaged or willing to share their thoughts and opinions.  It’s like pulling teeth.  You work really hard to get people to openly participate, but it seems like it’s of little use.  People seem to feel unsafe speaking up.  You are feeling confused, frustrated and emotionally drained from all this work.  

You know that your team has a lot to contribute, so something different needs to happen.  Luckily there are simple things you can do to create that change.  

I’ve been through many painful workshops where the participants did not feel comfortable speaking up.  Over the past ten years, I have learned and worked with teams to help them feel psychologically safe and comfortable to have their voices heard.  

In this video, you will learn how to create a sense of safety within your strategy workshop so that all participants' voices are heard and people are engaged.

So you have a successful strategy workshop where people are invested.  Instead of feeling like you are pulling teeth just to get people to participate.  Helping you feel re-energized and become the person who can bring teams together.